Once in a lifetime

Is it possible that some things were meant to be?

Is it possible that all past events happened so that you would

be led into this exact moment of time?

Is it possible that all of your days can become exciting and worth living?

Is it possible that when this once in a lifetime connection arrives,

all of which made you feel less won't matter anymore?

Is it possible that the future can be full of wonders?

Is it possible that cherishing the present can be a real experience?

Is it possible that each of your days can feel like a dream?

How can it be possible?

Everything will make sense and will become reality from just a possibility

once your destiny will arrive.

Because destiny depends on a single moment and

that single moment is possible.

From alone to the best team ever is truly possible.


From the moment that we found each other,

everything has changed forever.

Wintertime has become sunny and everything is warm.

Words coming out of your heart.

Smile coming out of your face.

Infinite perception from you for me.

Moments that will never be gone with the passage of time.

All the past darkness has led to this exact moment of bright daytime.

Each day is full of sunlight now, even if the best hasn't arrived yet.

How can it be possible?

Being excited about this sunshine is the best thing that has happened

in my life

Our moment was our destiny.

Nothing can come and cover the sunshine, not even the night, because

even then the stars and the moon are our common sunshine.

Well, I can't wait for the present and future moments that we will share together.

One day

The day which the specific moment that you long for,

will be the day.

The date which all your struggles don't seem like they are,

will be the day.

The morning that you will wake up so excited that you will be feeling like you are the king of the world,

will be the day,

The hour that the moment will be so close to you,

will be the day.

The second that you will be feeling all that you worked for,

will be the day.

The moment that you will know that you have achieved your mini dream,

will be the day.

Till then, it will be yet another day closer to your goal.

Till then, never give up.

Till then, keep enduring the blues.

Till then, try to not lose your faith.

Because that day will be the beginning of all days.

Today is yet another start towards that day.

What is yet to be

Having a sense of feeling that everything was meant to be.

All the past consisted of everything that was/wasn't done..

However, right now, none of all that really matters.

Because, the universe will gift you what you could have never imagined.

All the feelings that you lacked and though that were impossible will be true.

All the moments will lead to a specific moment that will be uncomperable.

In moments of desperation, please remember everything that will be.

In moments that gravity is pulling you down, always consider what is going to come.

In moments of grave unreliability, never give up.

There is always a reason to look up.

The moment will come, board the exhausting train ride with the potential great window view and carry on.

And all the moments that were longed for, will have arrived with you in the terminal.

Your strength is someone's else strength.

Walnut tree

Time is the flow of events.

On the coldest days, the tree seems so weak with no leaves present.

These days are the most difficult, getting through these days while being strong is the best thing that the tree can do.

Times with cold and snow, how can the tree be able to become stronger?

The roots of the tree and the base though are strong, it has the prospects to get through yet another day.

Yet another day with cold and snow.

Patience is his best friend and its worst enemy.

However, by time the days will get a bit warmer.

Oh... only if that time would arrive faster.

That's why the tree never loses hope.

That's why the tree grows larger closer to the sky.

Once the winter ends and spring comes closer, the tree becomes more and more beautiful each day.

That's why when it blooms it faces the sky and the sun.

That's why the sun will be its best friend.

Late-blooming or not it will bloom into something beautiful.

All the patience will be rewarded.

Never give up, and don't lose hope because after the worst circumstances end, the seed will come.


And suddenly comes a moment that everything

you knew turns its back on you.

Everything seems like a lie.

Everything associated with it makes your heart feel bad

and brings you tears.

Is everything a lie or all its associations are?

Is suffering inevitable or just a choice?

Is it possible that better days will come?

Most likely...


When you don't know what is going on you can only assume.

Assuming can lead you into all sorts of false paths.

False paths guide you away from reality and

straight into the realm of deception.

Deception gets you straight into a world of lies.

But it's so hard when you can only assume...


Your actions define what you want from your life.

What you appreciate and what you value.

Appreciating is key.

So choose your actions wisely.


Moments come and go, the memories remain.

But their magnificence fades.

Nothing is as it used to be and it definitely doesn't

feel the same.

Different feelings for the now faded memories.

The memories that you used to thrive now don't feel the

the same.

Everything has changed, but the feeling from the memories


Being relevant

It seems like you are as unique

As long as you are relevant.

Relevant like being there.

Were you there due to the circumstances?

Were you there because it was true, or

Because it felt like being true?

The end

It's funny how one day you just don't mean a thing.

That day is the end.

All the lies just to justify the end.

Being sidetracked just to justify.

It's just funny how we parted ways.

Moving on

Not thinking is moving on.

Forgetting is moving on.

Not being a part anymore is moving on

Not being relevant anymore is moving on.

"Hey you, you were unfair is moving on."

I will never understand you again is moving on.

Goodbye is moving on.

Marching on

Loving yourself is marching on.

Realizing who you are is marching on.

Finding yourself is marching on.

Putting yourself above past memories is marching on.

Keep marching on.


Whether in the beginning or after the journey has ended

the appreciation should stay the same.

Not being appreciated after the journey ended means

that they wanted to gain rather than earn.

Gain appreciation from their actions.

Gain love.

I hate it when there is no appreciation for the same

things that would be if the journey was going on.

Really unfair, but it was the journey.


It's too late to say all the things you want to say.

For if it won't matter anymore anyway.

Since they don't have the time to hear you.

Therefore, why it would matter to you to say all

the things that you have to say?

You want to find your fallen value anyway.

Don't think about the things you want to say.

It doesn't matter today,

the journey is long over anyway.

Make way

Make way.

It is not your path anymore.

The time has come.

Forget all the memories and make way.

You have been replaced.


All you do now is fall down the path all alone.

Falling all the meters that you once climbed together.

Climbing the uphill seemed so easy together.

Now, this withdrawn downfall is so empty and the sounds are so sad.

There is no sunshine anymore and you are all alone facing this downfall.

You constantly wish that you were at the top but yet you are rolling down.

All those moments will never come again.

You should now start longing for the next uphill.


In our life we get:

   Temporary Sadness.

   Temporary Happiness.

It is a fact that nothing lasts forever.

When you are feeling sad,

always remember how it was when you were happy in order to gain the inner strength to face your sadness.

When you are feeling happy,

always remember how it was when you were feeling sad in order to appreciate the moment and value your happiness.

Sad or Happy nothing lasts forever and everything is temporary.

Only you are permanent, who you are.

Believe in yourself and face your struggles without struggling.


There's always a fine timeline of the perception of your moments.

When everything goes well you keep flying high.

When everything deteriorates you keep sinking down.

Whether flying high or sinking down the timeline is yours only and it's constant.

As you move ahead and look back at your timeline you are able to see things differently.

If your then moments associate to a till this day flying high set of memories,

only the positive sub-memories associate, and all the rest is neglected.

Else if your then moments associate to a till this day sinking set of memories

only the negative sub-memories associate, and all the rest is neglected.

However only if your then moments associate now with no feelings at all,

only then your mind can be crystal clear in order to give you the proper perception-free judgment.

A Glimpse of light

There are times that the road might seem long and the path unclear.

There are times that you will even doubt who you are and what you can achieve.

There are times that what seemed so familiar seems as distant as everything as was always distant.

There are times that you look down and wonder if you can keep holding anymore.

There are times that all that you believed are now long gone and never to come back.

All these events are now ahead of you and all your strength has evaporated.

However, you might be lucky enough to find a ray of sunshine that can help you go through all your problems at all times.

It's the unexpected glimpse of light that can save you.

Life & Death and their moments

We live to make moments that will stay forever.

Moments that can't decay into the passing of time.

Moments that can't be faded by our feelings.

Moments that will stay forever and will always bring us joy.

We live to grow up and be better every day.

Be better every day by learning new things.

Be better every day by helping others.

Be better every day by surpassing our expectations for ourselves.

We live to make a family of our own.

Make a family of our own that can help you grow better together.

Make a family of our own that will always be there for us.

Make a family of our own that will take care of us in our darkest of days.

We live for all those moments.

We are afraid of dying because of those moments.

Because those moments might never come.

Because those moments might be taken from us.

Because we are afraid that those moments will be solely a part of our imagination.

Because if we die we will never be able to fight for the life we want.

Death is inevitable and we all want it to come when we grow old and our life is fulfilled with all those wonderful moments.

Yet, death might come earlier and leave us incomplete of the moments that we want.

How I wish that my death won't be incomplete...

Survival of the fittest

The survival of the fittest applies even to modern-day society.

You are as good as your last day.

Your good days are now long gone and it seems that you are stuck on bad days.

People forget easy because you know,

as they say, these things come and go.

Someone better will replace you because that's what people want.

Something better.

Something better to keep on living the life that they want, but you know

what they said to you was true as long as they wanted to last.

It's just that one day you are not fit for them and eventually you are replaced by someone who is now fit.

From fit to weak...

There's your appreciation and how unique you are.

The Reflection in the mirror

You might find it hard to look in the mirror.

You might not like who you are.

You might even be ashamed of what you are looking.

Thinking of all the lost opportunities that came to you

and all of that you failed to do.

Staring in the mirror is like facing yourself:

what you are not, what you failed to be,

what you couldn't be, what they didn't let you achieve.

All those missed opportunities and all those prospects

that you have failed to deliver.

You reflect on what you are not.

However, the mirror can show you what you long for:

the solution to most of your problems.

The solution is yourself and only yourself, the one who

is and always will be with you.

If you now stare in the mirror with a little bit more precision

you might be able to see what you are failing to recall.

Staring in the mirror is like facing yourself:

what you are, what you have successfully done,

what you have achieved regarding the circumstances.

Now, you must only ask for help from the only person that you must face,

but before all that, be sure to love yourself.


Feeling empty is your heart missing your past.

You felt that you had it all

and nothing could wrong.

Now you are stuck in the past relieving

what you used to be.

What you could have changed just to

change the flow of time.

All that you will never be.

If only you could have just a moment of

your beautiful past.

What matters

Your guide is all that matters.

All that you want to give your all.

All that you can't live without.

All your tomorrow's depend on what matters.

How will you guide yourself,

when nothing really matters anymore?

How will you keep on,

when all is lost.

How will you survive,

when there is no point.

How will you go on,

when you can't be strong.

How can you destroy your thoughts,

when they haunt you.

How can you keep on living,

when you can't see the bright days.

How ... when all that matters

is gone.

One of those days

Today is one of those days.

Where the meaning is lost.

When the feeling that

nothing will get better grows larger.

When all hope is lost.

When change can't happen,

whatever is being tried.

Where the feeling of emptiness

grows stronger.

Now each day is one of those days.

There's no escape...


The timing of the arrival was so unexpected.

Alternated the flow of time.

Adjusted the meaning of each minute.

Filled in all the hope and time that didn't matter.

The timing of the departure was so unexpected.

Adjusted the flow of time.

Alternated the meaning of each second.

Left blank all the hope and time that mattered.


Each day is an iteration.

Only that nowadays the iteration feels like

a painful joke.

A never-ending joke.

This particular day feels like each day since

the time that the iteration started.

For each day, the joke gets funnier.

The funny thing is that the synapses do their work

so elegantly that

each resemblance that associates hurt your more and more.

There's no escape from the associations that hunt you.

The iteration goes on and on.

The synapses don't seem to go off.

The joke constantly grows.

The iteration will never stop.

It is an infinite loop.

The funniest thing of all is that

the lunatic is your very own

perfectly formed joke.

Pret-ending (fingi)

Day by day pretending it's okay.

Day by day pretending the best isn't here yet.

Day by day reality strikes you in the face.

Day by day pretending that you aren't further away than you ever were.

Each night before goodnight wishing something

will change.

That surely can't be the end.

Pretending that what you feel isn't what you are.

But what you feel is you.

What you know isn't what you feel.

Logic doesn't make sense day by day.

You know it's not okay and you keep on struggling.

Nothing feels the same.

Keep on pretending till the end will be near.

Maybe then, the realization of what you know is real will come

and what you feel won't be the case of your mind.

Your own ending is unknown and is your own agony.

Face to face with a losing battle.

Keep on pretending till you reach the end of what could be.

Keep on pretending that what you feel isn't the case.

Being the pretender till the end ... is the way.


For all the dreams that never meant to be.

For all the feelings that will never be felt.

For all the memories that won't be made.

As far as I am the person that I never expected to be.

As far as I am what I don't feel.

As long as I am who I am,

all my expectations

will be my end.

Never enough

Trial and error is the way to solve what pains you.

Repeat until you succeed.

Be a lion and win, the way of the strong.

However, a lion cant win in the desert.

A lion can't win when there is no prospect.

The realization that you can't succeed is what kills you.

Everything that you will never be able to win.

Being Incomplete.

Being Less.

Being not yourself.

That's why the feeling of never being enough will be the end.

Never enough

Trial and error is the way to solve what pains you.

Repeat until you succeed.

Be a lion and win, the way of the strong.

However, a lion cant win in the desert.

A lion can't win when there is no prospect.

The realization that you can't succeed is what kills you.

Everything that you will never be able to win.

Being Incomplete.

Being Less.

Being not yourself.

That's why the feeling of never being enough will be the end.

End of the night

Yet another day has reached its end.

Should I be happy that I survived or should I

tremble that all of my thoughts need to be faced again?

When everything is dark and so noiseless

the more difficult it is.

It's very easy to remember how it used to be

but so hard to try and forget.

How to forget everything that I wished to happen?

Just another night further from the past of my dreams.

Just another night that needs to be won.

How many of those nights are yet to be faced?


Being revolved around meeting certain standards.

Abilities and skills that seem to be lacking.

Feeling less and less than average.

All the turning points in life that didn't happen.

All the new year's resolutions that weren't achieved.

All the moments each day that failed.

Every thought in mind that proves you insufficient under the sun.

Being deprived by your own fault of your true potential.

I guess some were born to be less in order to be taken advantage of.

Being inadequate is being there to just fill the numbers for

the resourceful ones.